About Us
Learn more about EDUCO
We had always been fond of foreign languages, we liked to meet foreigners and get to know new cultures. This was initially carried out through our foreign friends.
It was in 1991 when we founded a language school. Then we sold language courses abroad and this activity led us to various workshops in Europe. We liked to meet foreigners from different parts of world more and more.
Once we met a nice French woman at a workshop in Spain and she offered us cooperation - to organize internships for student groups in Prague. So we organized with her several internships in 2006 and found out that it was exactly what filled us with content.
We also experienced ourselves what it means to set off ourselves abroad and experience an unpaid internship - to check out what it is like to be an intern in a foreign country, what can we meet with, what to expect. That was superb and that helped us to understand what interns expect from us.
It has passed ten years since that time and tailored internship stays have become our main activity.

Every group is different, has different notions and expectations, they demand different service packages. But one thing is the same. All the students want to take away from Prague a quality expertise, that will help them to find good job after their return home. Everyone wants to enjoy his/her stay here to get the most beautiful memories. And it is why interns often consider returning back to Prague with their close loved ones. The same expectations have also university students - individuals for whom we look for appropriate firms in Prague.
We can offer local market knowledge, which helps us to find suitable firms for internships. Listening to our groups inspires us for steady improving their professional and leisure programme.
When an unexpected situation occurs we are close by. We are pleased, when an internship is successful and students become fond of Prague, its people and atmosphere. More you can read in feedbacks.
Another kind of internship stay that we provide are professional stays for teachers and workers of schools. Due to say that we are able to combine all courses with courses in Czech, so that interns felt good and also with courses in English for better comfort at workplace.
We are member of the Chamber of Commerce of CR. We represented the Czech Republic in the international pilot project of long-term mobilities of craft professions EAA GO FURTHER, that took place under the patronage of the European Parliament in the years 2016-2019 to enhance the prestige of the vocational education system in Europe.
In 2014, we participated successfully and repeatedly in the language teaching quality audit and we are holder of the quality certificate of a renowned auditor company, Bureau Veritas.